San Francisco Financial News, exploring the future of BGV

3 min readDec 28, 2020


Recently, the launch of BGV was a one of the popular topics. In this regard, San Francisco Financial News, Philadelphia Business News and other well-known media interviewed NGK representative Fenris and industry expert Mara to analyze the reasons for this phenomenon.

Industry expert Mara said that DeFi is currently in a very early stage of development. The most anticipated and upcoming thing in this field is the interconnection between the real-world economy and decentralized finance. BGV is one of the outstanding projects, the purpose is to make this future as soon as possible, such as allowing any asset type betting, including digital currency and real-world assets.

BGV coins

Currently, on December 3, BGV tokens were launched on the DeFi section of the A-net exchange. What is the current liquidity of BGV tokens on this platform? Are BGV tokens still interested in listing other exchanges?

Anyone can trade BGV tokens through the A network exchange. In addition, a liquidity incentive plan is set up on the platform. At present, the circulation of BGV tokens in the market is 10,000, and the turnover rate is about 28%. The number of currencies holding addresses is 7,772, and the distribution is very even. BGV’s turnover reached 1.14 million on the previous trading day, still maintaining a high trading volume. In addition, BGV will launch more international leading exchanges in the future. The specific news is subject to the official announcement.

BGV coins

The Philadelphia Business News asked how the BGV token economic model was designed? Under this model, how to attract users and increase the total lock-up volume (TVL)?

Fenris, the representative of NGK, said that the economy uses a positive feedback loop to attract users and increase TVL. It starts with users depositing their tokens, as the governance of the network attracts their interest for mortgage. The growing TVL will in turn improve network security.

BGV’s BFT-DPoSS consensus further guarantees the liquidity of all tokens, which directly increases the activity of the network and increases the fee income generated by dApps deployed on BGV. The ever-increasing revenue from fees and rewards will in turn encourage users to mortgage more tokens in a cycle.

BGV coins

As an improved and upgraded version of POS, it avoids most of the problems of POS under the web. The inherent problem of PoS is that the value transfer from the external network is uncertain. The fluctuation of the value of the asset causes the user’s assets to be over-collateralized, unless the deposited value is lower than the value that guarantees the honest operation of the verifier, which reduces the utilization rate of funds, which greatly limits the application of PoS consensus in the financial field.

