Can SPC with a monthly return of 23% become a favorable competitor of global currency?

3 min readJan 18, 2021

Up to two million of SPC sidechain token airdrops have been issued., the ecological builders are eager to know the compassion between this with the previous BGV token airdrop, and what are the specific benefits? Let’s conduct a brief analysis.

SPC airdrop

According to network data, the total computing power of the entire network is about 5.51 million. According to the official announcement, the SPC sidechain token airdrop worth 2 million. Based on the official model, 2 million divided by 5.51 million = 0.363. This means that 1000 computing power can obtain 363 SPC. At present, the price of SPC on the market is about 1.55U, and users with 1,000 computing power obtain 363, which is about US$570. This airdrop has gained 5.7% of additional benefits for all computing power holders. Therefore, we boldly guess if the official airdrops to the market at such a ratio for a long time, for example once a week, four weeks a month, then we can conclude that each computing power holder can obtain a monthly income of 5.7% multiplied by 4=22.8%. That’s really a considerable amount! If the price of SPC in the secondary market continues to rise, the benefits are even more inestimable.

SPC airdrop

Originally, if you hold the NGK computing power, you can only obtain the benefits of computing power itself. Now, the NGK official gives benefits again. With the previous airdrop of BGV tokens, and now there is an SPC with a monthly revenue of nearly 23%.

As we all know, the currency assets such as BGV tokens and SPC sidechain tokens are non-produced assets, and their ability to increase value depends on whether they can maintain and consolidate their value; on the other hand, the value of currency issued by NGK has a logical loop. When demand increases, the monetary assets will appreciate, and if there is an effective monetary asset value, more people will have demand for it. In other words, this is the so-called “currency is a consensus belief” and the “currency has value because people think it is valuable.”

SPC airdrop

Based on the argument that the value of currency is entirely a consensus belief, then the currency can be presented in any form. In fact, according to currency history, the most common and durable currencies have certain characteristics that can support their demand. For example, economists have always regarded gold as the most successful form of currency due to its scarcity, fungibility and durability.

The NGK project represented by the BGV tokens and SPC sidechain tokens is not only scarce and durable, but also has divisibility, verifiability, portability and transferability. Besides, it also has various currency attributes and other assets. Hence, the advantages it possesses make it a favorable competitor of global currency.

